Bluehost Where Do I Upload Files to

Have yous built a web site on PC or Mac and ready to upload website files to web server? Bluehost is a budget Apache+PHP hosting service provider who is famous for e-Commerce hosting for small concern and cheap yet reliable email hosting for individuals and small business. In this article, we volition employ Bluehost web hosting to show you how to upload spider web pages and files from computer to Bluehost web server.

ftp transfer from computer to server

How to Upload Files to Bluehost Web Server with FTP?

A FTP client is the most popular tool for website files upload and download. Nearly all web hosting services support FTP file transfer. Here are the steps for uploading files to web server with Bluehost using FTP customer.

Step 1. Create FTP account

You have to prepare an FTP account on web server at offset. Log on your hosting control panel with Bluehost, go to Hosting >> cPanel >> File management >> FTP Manager, you can and so set up new FTP account from there. You tin can also refer to this link for the detailed instructions to create FTP business relationship in Bluehost cPanel. The process to add FTP account in cPanel is very similar amid diverse cPanel hosting services, such as Bluehost, Arvixe, Inmotion, HostGator, etc. Do not miss out this page to find the best cPanel hosting services.

Step 2. Connect to web server with FTP customer

Many FTP programs can be constitute and apply to transfer data between computer and remote server, include CuteFTP, CoreFTP, FileZilla, etc. We recommend FileZilla which is costless and open source, comes with various versions for Windows, Mac, Linux. You lot can go it from this link.

Run the FTP client for Windows or Mac on your estimator, you will encounter its main interface similar below.
connect server through ftp using filezilla

Steps to connect to web server via FTP:

  • Host: this is your domain name or server IP address;
  • Username: FTP business relationship username;
  • Password: FTP account password;
  • Port: the default FTP port is 21 for common FTP connections.

FTP connection troubleshooting:

If your domain is not pointed to the right web server, yous volition fail to connect to server using your domain proper noun as Host. Yous can go to change your domain proper noun servers or DNS A records to map the domain from registrar to your host. For example you can refer to this guide to change DNS A records of domain with GoDaddy. Alternatively you can also use your server IP address as the Host to connect to. Y'all can refer to this page to notice web server address in cPanel.

Step 3. Upload Files to Web Server with FileZilla FTP Client

One time you are continued to the FTP server via FileZilla, you volition see 2 columns at the lower section of this FTP client: Local site and Remote site. There will be merely 3 steps y'all can re-create files and documents from computer to remote web server.

  • Open target folder on server: from the remote site section, browse to whatever directory on your web server which you similar to upload files to. You tin can get to create a new binder to save the files.
  • Select files on figurer: from  the local site section, browse to the web pages and files for your website, select any or all of them on your computer.
  • Upload files from computer to server via FTP: right click on the selected files, files or folder, select 'Upload' item from the pop-up dialuge to upload selected files and folders from PC or Mac to spider web server online.

Upload Files to Bluehost Web Server throuhg File Manager

cPanel has the built-in File Managing director which tin likewise assist y'all upload and download website files. Log on your hosting control console with Bluehost, become to cPanel >> File Management >> File Manager.
cpanel file management file manager
You will open the online file director like this.cpanel file manager
Here you lot tin as well upload files from estimator to cPanel hosting server or download files from spider web server to figurer.


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