The Link to the Following Has Expired. Please Try Again

Are you getting an "Invite Invalid" error when you endeavour joining a Discord server?

Here'southward the total error message, "This invite may be expired, or you might not have the permission to join".

The "Invite Invalid" error is very common, and people have encountered it at least once before on Discord.

Maybe you're encountering the error while using your friend'south invite link.

Or maybe you're encountering the error while using an invite link that you establish online.

Either way, the root cause of the error is mainly the same.

In this article, yous'll learn why you got the "Invite Invalid" fault on Discord, why Discord invites are not working, how to fix information technology, and more.

  1. Why is my Discord invite link invalid?
  2. Why is my Discord invite link expired?
  3. How to fix "Invite Invalid" on Discord
  4. How to join a Discord server with an expired link
  5. Do Discord invite links elapse?

Why is my Discord invite link invalid?

Discord invite invalid

Your Discord invite link is invalid either because information technology has expired, the lawmaking is invalid, you're banned, or you've exceeded the number of servers that you tin can join.

Some Discord links have expiration dates, which means that you won't be able to join the server if the invite link has passed its expiration engagement.

Reason #1: The Discord link has expired.

If that'south the case, y'all have to contact the owner of the server and inquire them for another invite.

You might have to ask them to get rid of the expiration appointment as well.

Reason #2: The invite lawmaking is invalid.

Next, if the invite code is invalid, you won't be able to join the server.

Invite codes are case-sensitive, which means that the link wouldn't work if i or more of its letters are in the wrong capitalization.

For case, the invite lawmaking "MApk6fPs" and "mApk6fPs" are treated as two singled-out codes.

This is because the "M" is uppercase in the first invite code and lowercase in the second invite code.

Reason #3: You're banned from the server.

Thirdly, the invite link might be invalid because you're banned from the server.

When you lot're banned from a server, your IP address will be blocked.

In order to bring together the server over again, you lot need to contact the owner of the server and ask them to unban yous.

Otherwise, you lot won't exist able to join the server using its invite link.

Reason #four: You lot've exceeded the number of Discord servers that you can join.

Lastly, if you've you've exceeded the number of servers that you can join, y'all won't exist able to join another server.

The maximum number of servers that you can join on Discord is 100.

In order to join another server, you need to get out one of your existing ones.

Why is my Discord invite link expired?

Discord server invite link never expires

Your Discord invite link is expired because the possessor of the server did non remove the expiration date for it.

By default, Discord invite links will expire after 24 hours.

This ways that if the owner of the server didn't edit the invite link's expiration date, information technology'll expire after 24 hours.

As a server possessor, you lot're given the power to edit your invite link settings.

This can be found on your server's carte > invite > settings.

The expiration date settings is located under "Advanced Settings".

Under "Expire After", you can choose to set the invite link to "Never", "ane 24-hour interval", "12 hours", "half dozen hours", "1 hour", or "30 mins".

These settings are intended to limit unwanted use of the link.

If y'all're a fellow member of a server and the Discord link is expired, you'll have to contact the server owner to send y'all some other link.

You won't be able to know the expiration date of the link, so it'due south best to employ the link as soon as possible earlier it expires.

How to fix "Invite Invalid" on Discord

To ready the "Invite Invalid" error on Discord, you lot need to either inquire the server owner to transport you some other link, unban you, or you need to leave an existing server.

Method #1: Ask the server owner to transport you another invite link.

The near common reason why yous got the "Invite Invalid" mistake on Discord is that the link has expired.

If that'due south the case, you'll have to contact the server owner to send you another link.

Additionally, you can request them to edit the invite link to never expire so that it does not have an expiration engagement.

Method #two: If you lot're banned from the server, you need to contact the server owner to unban y'all.

If the crusade of the error is not because of an expired link, it may be because y'all're banned from the server.

A Discord server ban is an IP-level ban, so yous won't be able to join the server unless you're unbanned.

As a result, your only selection is to contact the server owner to unban you.

Method #three: If y'all've already joined 100 Discord servers, you demand to leave ane of the existing ones in order to join another.

Lastly, if you've exceeded the limit for the number of Discord servers that yous can join, yous'll get the "Invite Invalid" mistake.

To fix it, you'll have to exit i of your existing Discord servers.

Then, try using the invite link again and the "Invite Invalid" error should be lifted.

How to join a Discord server with an expired link

To join a Discord server with an expired link, you'll take to contact the server owner to send you another one.

Make sure to request them to change the invite link to "Never Expire" to remove the expiration date.

Alternatively, if the Discord server is a public one, you tin can search for information technology on the Discord app and join information technology at that place.

If a Discord Server has enabled the notice feature, you lot can search for it via the "Explore Discord Servers" tab on the Discord spider web app.

In order to practice this, open up Discord on a desktop and curlicue to the lesser of the farthermost-left navigation bar.

You cannot practice this on the Discord app every bit it does non have the "Explore Discord Servers" feature.

Then, select "Explore Public Servers".

On the search bar, type in the proper name of the server.

For case, if the Discord server'due south name is "ChilledCow", search for "ChilledCow" and striking enter.

Lastly, select the server to join it.

Again, this only works if the server is a public one.

If the server does not have the "Enable Community" feature enabled and has non practical for Discovery you won't be able to notice it on the "Explore Public Servers" tab.

If that's the case, the merely way to join the server is to contact the server owner to send y'all another invite link.

Exercise Discord invite links expire?

Discord link expire

Discord invite links have six expiration engagement options—Never, 1 Twenty-four hours, 12 hours, 6 hours, 1 hr, and 30 minutes.

Past default, Discord invite links will expire after 24 hours.

That beingness said, the expiration appointment of the invite link tin exist edited past the server possessor.

If you're the owner of a Discord server, you tin edit the expiration engagement of its invite link.

In order to do so, head on over to your server and select the invite push.

If you're using Discord on your desktop, the invite push button is named as "Invite People".

On the other hand, if you're using the Discord app on your mobile device, the invite button is named as "Invite".

After yous've selected the invite button, click on "Edit invite link" (if you're on a desktop) and tap on the Settings icon (if you're on the Discord app).

Lastly, edit the expiration date of the invite link past changing it to however yous want.

If y'all don't want it to elapse, you can change the "Expire afterward" setting to "Never Expire".


If you've been using Discord for a while, you'll probably run into an invalid Discord link at least once.

Fortunately, the invalid Discord link error can be hands stock-still by using the methods that are listed in this article.

The vast majority of Discord server owners are unaware that Discord links have an expiration appointment (past default).

Currently, it's not known whether Discord will remove the default expiration date.

Just for at present, Discord server owners will remain oblivious to information technology, and users will oft encounter expired links that aren't meant to be.

Further Reading

How to Add Member Count on Discord (With Pictures)

How to Get The "Bot" Tag on Discord (8 Easy Steps)

The 10 Best Among Us Discord Servers

Lim How Wei is the founder of Followchain. Experience free to follow him on Instagram.


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