what to do with a formal dining room space

Find home inspirations with this list of formal living room alternatives to catechumen your dwelling's unused living space into a more practical one to match your family'south needs and lifestyle.

Traditional style formal living room.

Formal living rooms are traditionally used for entertaining guests. As the name suggests, the room's style leans toward the formal blazon and it'southward often used to showcase fine furniture pieces. However, with the passing of time and the value of real estate soaring ever higher, the traditional purpose of formal living rooms make information technology redundant. In some cases, this showcase room goes unused.

Space is a article we don't desire to waste so nosotros've rounded up this list of practical alternatives to formal living rooms in the hopes of converting it into a productive space enjoyed by y'all and your family unit.

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i. Kid's Playroom

Young girl playing in a spacious kid's playroom.

One of the most pop alternatives uses for a formal living room is a kid'southward playroom. If yous have multiple children, then they might wind upward testing your patience from time to time. Every bit heartwarming every bit it tin can be to encounter the immature ones running effectually and playing in your home, you will sometimes wish that things could be a bit quieter. If you lot are able to requite the children their own playroom, then you'll be able to enjoy a little more peace and quiet.

A good kid's playroom will keep your children occupied. Yous can put many of their favorite toys in the playroom and you lot will exist able to do your best to make it feel special. Some parents like to make kid'due south playrooms that take interesting themes. You could build a room that looks similar a jungle area or ane that has the feeling of a medieval castle.

Whatever type of play area your children would enjoy the virtually tin be achieved. Y'all just demand to put in a little bit of work and your kids will accept a spot where they can brand great memories. They will exist able to enjoy having their friends over to play in their ain little space. Information technology's a utilize for your old formal living room infinite that will help to bring a smiling to your children's faces.


Building a playroom for your kids is going to give them a fun place to enjoy their playtime. Y'all will be able to outfit the room with many toys and other fun features for them to enjoy. It can be a nice room that your kids volition utilise all the time. The one-time formal living room may have just been some other room to you, but it tin can mean everything to your children.


There are some parents who don't like the idea of giving the kids their own room. Some parents want to have their children play while beingness supervised at all times. It only depends on your own detail parenting fashion. If your children are sometime plenty to play on their own, then this can exist a very practical use for the room.

2. Library

Home library with floor-to-ceiling built-in bookshelves.

If y'all are among the millions of people who love to read for fun, and so the idea of turning the formal living room into a library will appeal to you. This is something that is going to brand fans of paper books very happy. Even though many people are turning to e-books, there are a lot of people who but enjoy the feeling of reading a real paper book. Y'all can set up a nice reading surface area for yourself where you lot can enjoy a beverage and just unwind.

Those who have extensive book collections may need some type of library if they want to display all of their books. Buying some nice bookshelves and some appropriate decorations will really be all that y'all need to do. Add together some article of furniture that will be comfortable for reading purposes and you will have a great library. This could also work well for those who need to written report for college or other types of academic or intellectual pursuits.


Having a user-friendly room in your firm where you can read in peace is really a great luxury. If you beloved to read, so this volition exist a perfect use for your formal living room. Information technology will be able to fit plenty of bookshelves, so you will be able to display your book collection. It can exist a placidity space that you can escape to when yous need some time to relax.


Having a library is non a necessity, so this may be something that you will only desire to practise if you have no other uses for the room. People usually put their needs ahead of their wants, and this may not exist considered essential by some. It depends on your perspective and how badly you need to have a quiet spot to read. It's a great thought that will appeal to many people, even if some might not find information technology to exist a applied choice.

3. Music Room

White music room furnished with black and wooden furniture pieces.

Music is something that speaks to the hearts of billions of people around the earth. It is highly likely that music has touched your life in some way. You may even be a musician yourself. If you lot like to play music, so you know how annoying it tin be to take difficulties finding a place to practice.

Being able to practice playing your instruments is not always a simple thing. Playing music tin can make a lot of racket and this tin wind upwardly disturbing people. Yous may wind up deciding not to play simply because y'all exercise not want to be rude. This is unfortunate for those who love music and want to be able to continue to pursue information technology.

If you accept an unused formal living room infinite, so you could decide to plow it into a music room. With a little bit of try, you lot could turn the room into the perfect space for playing your favorite instruments. Ownership some soundproofing equipment will allow you to avoid annoying your family unit or your pregnant other. Information technology won't exist too hard to accomplish this and is certainly worthwhile for those who love music.


Beingness able to use this room to play your music will experience very good. Y'all'll exist able to practice your music without having to worry about disturbing people while they are doing other things. Information technology makes your music more convenient and it volition allow you to accept the fourth dimension to proceed to improve. This is a use for the room that could make y'all incredibly happy, so information technology's recommended for people who like to play instruments.


The cost to soundproof your new music room might be a scrap much, depending on your budget. It will also have a niggling flake of effort to get everything done. The fashion that you soundproof a room isn't also difficult to understand, only it won't necessarily be something that you lot can complete fast. Some people don't similar having to go to all of this problem.

4. Game Room

A card or mahjong table in the game room.

Having a free room in your house is something that y'all tin really utilize to your advantage. If y'all are interested in building a room that is purely for your amusement, then you lot could make a game room. Game rooms are something that more and more young adults want to take in modernistic times. It can exist a space where people can brandish the things that they are passionate nigh and take fun with friends.

Many people use game rooms as a space to play video games. Collecting video games is a hobby that many people relish, and being able to display your drove is dainty. You can hook your various game consoles up to televisions and add in some comfortable furniture. It will make for a perfect way to spend your free evening hours.

Those who aren't into video games dear game rooms as well. Some people make up one's mind to make game rooms that comprise things such as pool tables, pinball tables, foosball tables, and much more. Your game room could turn into the preferred spot for watching sports on Sundays just as easily equally it could a place where people go to play games. What y'all do with this space is up to you, and you will certainly have fun crafting information technology to your liking.


This is one of the best options when you are looking to build a room for fun. Your formal living room will certainly be large plenty to be turned into a great game room. Whether yous want it to be a video game room or a room with pool tables and other bar games, it will certainly be fun once you accept finished it up. This is a room that your friends will beloved hanging out in and you'll really enjoy hosting parties and then long equally yous are the social type.


Building a game room can current of air up getting pretty expensive fast. If yous don't accept a bunch of stuff to put in your new game room already, so you may air current up spending a pocket-size fortune. Things such as pool tables aren't as affordable as some would like and retro video games can be plush every bit well. It can be worth it to buy these things when you are passionate about them, but it may not be a applied option for everyone.

v. Exercise Room

Exercise room with different types of physiotherapy equipment.

A much more practical employ for the formal living room space would be to create an exercise room. Everyone wants to try to stay in the best shape that they possibly tin can. It isn't ever like shooting fish in a barrel when you spend the majority of your time at work. There are a lot of people who tin't get motivated to become to the gym, but they might have an easier fourth dimension if their gym was within their dwelling.

To build a skillful exercise room, you are going to need some equipment. You could decide to purchase some weights or some type of machine for forcefulness training. Cardio equipment can be very useful as well. You'll exist able to put a treadmill or an practise wheel in your new exercise room to really aid you get your eye rate up.

You can also simply lay down some exercise mats and use the space to perform yoga or Pilates. At that place are a lot of people who use yoga as their sole method of exercise and they accept had some pretty great results. What types of practise are going to appeal to y'all the almost will largely depend on your fitness goals. Think about what you want to achieve and then build your exercise room in such a fashion that you can make it happen.


Information technology might wind upward being a lot easier for you to practise regularly if you accept your own exercise room. Yous volition be able to exercise whenever you feel like you have the costless time and enough energy to do information technology. This is a use for your formal living room that will potentially improve your quality of life. You can use this room to go into the best shape that you lot have been in for years.


If your budget for this new room is not very loftier, then you may want to avoid building an exercise room. Depending on the types of exercise equipment that you are interested in, things could get rather plush. Exercise machines are going to cost you quite a bit and it may not air current up plumbing equipment into your budget. Options such as yoga mats are a lot more price constructive, but some people want to proceeds muscle mass rather than lean themselves out.

6. Home Role

Spacious white home office with different types of storage.

A home office area will give yous a room where you tin do your piece of work without existence interrupted. If you piece of work at dwelling house, then you lot really should have your own work environment. It tin can be fine to work elsewhere in your home sometimes, merely you might find that you get distracted besides easily. At that place are many things going on in the rest of your dwelling and your attention needs to be focused on your work.

Y'all can brand a nice dwelling office using a desk-bound, a few bookshelves, and a computer. Add together in some decorative elements and it will exist a swell area for you lot to get some piece of work done. This is ideal for people who piece of work using computers. Information technology also works well for people who do a lot of business organisation over the phone.


Setting up a abode part expanse won't have you a lot of time. You may wind up having many of the things that you need for a domicile office already. It should be a infinite that you can use to work effectively. You volition have fewer distractions during the day and will exist able to increment your overall productivity.


If you don't do enough of your work at home to necessitate having an function, and then this is going to experience like a waste matter of space. Some people merely work from home every once in a while. These people may prefer to just work wherever, rather than having a room that is dedicated to working. Home offices are a improve fit for people who piece of work many hours from their home on a consistent basis.

7. Personal Bar

Purple and pink luxury home bar.

It has been established that using your formal living room to create a space for entertainment purposes is appealing. Some people are less into games and books than they are a good adult beverage. If you are a chip of a wine or beer connoisseur, then you might be interested in the idea of a personal bar. You can set up your own bar surface area and keep it stocked with all of your favorite drinks.

Many people cull to add televisions and other entertaining elements to their personal bar. You could install a dartboard or buy a puddle table. It could current of air upwards beingness a combination of a game room and a personal bar if you volition it to be so. Either manner, the ability to enjoy a nice stiff drink later a long day of work is very appealing.

Those who are very handy could even endeavour to build their own bar area. This method can take a lot of piece of work, but the results volition be worth it for those who are committed. Whether you choose to buy a nice bar or make your ain, it will await corking in your habitation. A formal living room area should be more than big plenty to house a personal bar, so this pick is certainly possible.


You lot will be able to utilize your new personal bar as a identify to unwind. It can too make for a very squeamish spot to entertain guests. If you take family or friends coming over, and then you lot tin can take them to the personal bar for an evening of drinks and conversation. It can be a very swish room in your abode that volition add to the overall aesthetic appeal of your property.


At that place are people who are vehemently opposed to drinking alcohol. This is obviously not a room idea that will appeal to everyone. Some people abstain from drinking for religious purposes and others simply don't similar it. Yous could brand something such equally a juice bar instead, just it may not have the same level of appeal equally a traditional bar setting.


Source: https://www.homestratosphere.com/formal-living-room-alternatives/

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