Modern Baseball Youre Gonna Miss It All Review


Modern Baseball | Yous're Gonna Miss It All

by Sammy Maine

Modernistic Baseball have had a busy few years. Releasing their debut full-length 'Sports' back in 2012 on Run for Cover Records, they had merely actually been playing as a ring since May of that yr. Information technology went onto steal the hearts of many and fifty-fifty made it to number one in Feast Records 'Albums of the Year'. They chop-chop gained a loving and loyal fan base and music lovers of an indie and emo disposition quickly welcomed them into their ears.

Growing up listening to the likes of Brand New, Glimmer 182, The Wonder Years, Taking Back Sunday and The Starting Line, this is a band that I would, essentially, adore. I go this weird sense of guilt when I heed back to those bands, every bit so many "important music people" scream from the rooftops that these bands are some of the worst bands in the world. At their immature age, I know that Modern Baseball would accept grown up with the same bands and instead of switching to a private session on Spotify, they relish these brilliant musicians and plough information technology into something to celebrate.

Now, I'chiliad not saying that ' You're Gonna Miss It All ' is a copycat record or a simple tribute to the emo-stone before them only the ring practise wonderfully article of clothing their influences on their sleeves. With fellow Philadelphia-based bands such as Swearin' and Waxahatchee gaining critical momentum concluding yr, there's this wonderful slap-up of music happening across the pond and Modernistic Baseball are the latest 90s-infused export.

They've oft been dismissed for their lyrical immaturity only before you pass off the record every bit just some other group of angsty 20-somethings yearning for that hot college girl, the words are far more than affecting and personally resonating than you might wait. Hidden under a mirage of smartly composed pop melodies, we hear lines such as "I hate worrying about the hereafter // because all my current problems are based around the past" on opener 'Run for Embrace' that brutally cut to the cadre of current 20-something woes. Swelling to a crescendo of thrashing strums and staccato snare hits, the American drawl is the perfect accompaniment to a resonating first song.

I think their lyrics have been dismissed in the past considering they're a band that get directly to the point. There's no metaphorical frills here, instead nosotros take "Sweeping floors and folding napkins // Praying something cool might happen // The sun explodes // We dice, the world ends" on 'Broken Cash Motorcar' – an nearly anti-poetic remark on the mundanity of life set to a backdrop of fast-paced finger picking and a perfect sing-a-long span before throwing itself into a chorus of sugariness harmonies and building rhythms. At under 2 minutes, Modern Baseball have managed to craft the perfect blend of emo-pop, that will stick in your head for weeks to come.

At times, the album turns almost theatrical. Their knack for story-telling is then on-point, that they explore spoken comments lower downwardly in the mix, teamed with sweet bankroll vocals and a commanding pb effort and weirdly, it works – actually well. Finishing 'Apartment' with a muttering "…we could brand dinner or something" is and so Mod Baseball – they know exactly what they're doing when information technology comes to dynamically charming the listener. You tin just imagine them dividing crowds at shows, with members screaming out every different role.

The theme of the album continues to tell us of young love – it'south blossoming beginnings and it'south brutal endings – but despite this, the songs never get tired. These guys are experts at their genre; showcasing their softer aspects with 'Notes' and 'Timmy Bowers' and perfecting their sing-a-long 'woah-a-oahs' with every strum on the likes of 'Charlie Black'.

'You're Gonna Miss Information technology All' is a turbulent tale of growing up with all its growing pains but this is band that accept a beautiful way of looking at the earth around them. Delicately and precisely composing musical structures around each story, they're the not-and then-guilty pleasure of the next generation. Sure, there'south references to Instagram simply hey, that's part of our lives now, and Modern Baseball are the perfect narrators.

'You're Gonna Miss It All' is out now.

U.k. bout dates:

07 MAY – KINGSTON Fighting Cocks

08 MAY- KINGSTON Fighting Cocks

09 MAY- LONDON Old Blue Final

10 MAY- CARDIFF Clwb Ifor Bach


12 MAY- LIVERPOOL Korova Club


fourteen MAY- MANCHESTER Star & Garter

fifteen MAY- NORWICH Epic Studios

16 MAY- LEICESTER Soundhouse


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