Game Design Friday: Masquerade!


Only in arrears a mask can we saltation with anyone, aweigh from identity and consequences of the everyday. The fancy-dress ball only comes once a year, and for more brings with it dreams of a night bereft of so much material burdens.

There are just two perils to avoid on a faceless night. The first is time, for when the grand clock strikes midnight all masks mustiness be removed, and society will over again aspect unkindly upon unlawful pairings.

The second jeopardy is Decease, himself masked and precise much present at the event. Death's embrace brings an unwanted cold to the warmest of bodies. Avoid him, and any who've taken his limb throughout the night.

Players: 5 to 9


  • Chess game Board (operating theater other 8×8 control grid)
  • Unique pawn for each player
  • Pen and index cards

Mise en scene Upwardly:

From each one histrion mustiness take a character, the identity element of which is a secret. Write cut down the name and gender of each character on a card, taking care to make over A many another cards as people, and making sure there is a End menu. Shuffle that many cards and receive each player pickaxe one.

Keeping their individuality a secret, each player places their hock along the board in one of the circled positions as pictured. The shopping centre position should only be utilized if there are nine players.

The Characters:

With the exception of Death, characters come to the ball in pairs:

  • The Prince (M) and The Inheritress (F)
  • The Pauper (M) and The Needlewoman (F)
  • The Duke (M) and The Duchess (F)
  • Death
  • The Poet (M) The Creative person (F)

How to Play:

The targe of the game is to end the party aboard your character's married person, spell avoiding contact with Death or those he's encountered.

For Death, the objective of the pun is to embrace all characters, whether directly or indirectly.

Each turn, totally players take their turns simultaneously, moving their characters raised, down, left, right, or diagonally on the lines of the board.

To go on their pieces, all players place their men on their pawns, and close their eyes. At the agreed-upon time, every players move their pieces at once, and then reopen their eyes. This action is repeated for 18 turns (representing ten-microscopic intervals between 9pm and Midnight).


Anytime your character is adjacent to another character, the cardinal characters embrace. At this time, you Crataegus laevigata both lean in and whisper to for each one other your identities. (Make sure you're close enough, and quiet enough, so that your opponents put on't overhear!).

Embrace Death:

Should Death voicelessness in your auricle, you'll spend the rest of the game as his minion, carrying and spreading Destruction among the company-goers. In plus to your identity element, you should whisper Death's name to anyone you embrace.


Afterward the 18th turn, all characters should "unmask," revealing their identities and whether or not they embraced Death. If any characters are still alive, the graphic symbol closest to his/her counterpart wins.

Designing Masquerade costume!


Inspired perchance most flat away Edgar Allen Poe's stumpy story "The Masquerade of the Scarlet Death," Masquerade! was attached as an analogue for sexed expression, with the unavoidable white elephant of contagion as an adversarial mechanic. A eminent concept, to be sure.


Earlyish designs faced no disease car-mechanic at all, and were supported solely on the notion of avoiding one's role in lodge. While masked, quality were rule-less, merely suggestive one's identity obligatory upon them a series of in-stake rules that settled movement.

Disease is much advisable mapped out on a spacious scale, so having transmission as a mechanic in a comparatively small halt proved troublesome. Contagion is all but entirely inescapable, with no strategy based approximately the avoidance of information technology.

Ideally, the design would allow for sexual tension, coupled with the fear of the unknown.


A flawed design desperately in need of revision. How can we save the disease mechanic while still maintaining the masquerade atmosphere? Post thoughts and musings in the comments. Call back of it like a dance…


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